Monday, November 18, 2013

12th Day of Walking, 13th Day of Trek

        Today we made the trek from Kalopani (black water) to Tatopani (hot water). It started out with scaling down a few dusty cliffs, then proceeded on through some small farming villages, still descending to lower elevations. It got hotter as we walked, but luckily I prepared for it, wearing less clothing, which was still warm with the sun on us. We walked for quite a while today and stopped by a beautiful waterfall for lunch a few hours in. I ordered veg egg macaroni, but ended up getting Asian noodles :P haha. Just as we were leaving more of our people we have been traveling with stopped at the same restaurant for lunch. That’s when I realized how fast we really are, haha.

We also ran into Chandra’s porter friend again at lunch. The trekkers he was carrying for took a plane back to Pokhara in Jomsom, so now he is walking here to Tatopani to catch a bus back home to Pokhara also. It is so funny how Chandra and him are like best friends. They held onto each others arms as they walked today. I think Chandra was just supporting him, but it was still adorable. We finally got into Tatopani with my knees throbbing and my whole being so exhausted. The guesthouse here isn’t very nice at all. The sheets on the beds are obviously dirty, and there is mold all over the walls, a lot of it attempting to be masked with a second coat of patchy green paint.

A little after getting here we walked down to the hot springs to check the out and phew! Are they hot! They are literally boiling and no one was able to fully submerge himself because of it, just sitting on the edges with their feet dangling in. I wasn’t dressed in swim attire, so I just sat on a nearby wall with Chandra, but even from there I could feel the radiating heat. I met this cool South African guy and talked to him for a while. He did the whole circuit thus far in just nine days! He seemed to be running from something, or just life in general, and was among that group of people in Nepal and India all here to escape. I have to say though, he has some sick tattoos, though many of them were quite faded :P

Tomorrow Chandra gave me the option of either walking five to six hours to Sikha, or seven to eight hours to Gorepani. He said that we won’t be next to the river anymore, and it will be a climb up into the jungle. With this in mind I think I am going to go for the five to six hour walk, though I am getting a little more worried about my timetable here. I can’t worry though, because I may only do this once, I’m just getting quite tired and sore. My legs and feet get sorer everyday and I am losing my drive to keep pushing on and have a good time with it.

Ø  I am trying not to think about pain and tiredness though.

Ø  I have been so hungry all day today it’s been bad. I’ve been a bottomless pit and craved sweets. I got Dal Bhat for dinner, so hopefully that will solve it!

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